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- Vietnam 3
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- Xã hội học. 3
- Đọc hiểu. 3
Tìm hiểu thơ Xuân Diệu qua nghệ thuật sáng tạo tứ thơ
Xuất bản 2023“…It focuses on two kinds of poetical ideas, one of which is originated from life and the other from system of artistic thoughts by the author. Poetical ideas reflect the author’s talent in the process of creating poems, the way to discover reality and the ability to generalize, points of view and the taste for beauty of the poet.…”
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lựa chọn một số bài tập bổ trợ nhằm tăng hiệu quả thực hiện kỹ thuật phát bóng cao tay chính diện cho sinh viên trường Đại học Mỏ- Địa chất...
Xuất bản 2023“…Abstract: By using scientific research methods, the author has given supplementary exercises to increase the efficiency of high-hand kicking technique for students of the University of Mining and Geology…”
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The Influence of Journaling On Self-Actualization and Creative Expression
Xuất bản 2023“…Included in this project is the author’s novel, a work that embraces and evidences the beneficial outcomes of keeping a journal.…”
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Luận án -
Assess the Roles of Film Development Policy in the Field of Vietnamese Cinema
Xuất bản 2023“…These research findings are not only meaningful for the author in professional activities but also provide more scientific information for policy-making activities in the field of cinema in Vietnam.…”
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The issue of the exploitation of spiritual heritage in tourism and the effects of tourism on the spiritual heritage in Vietnam nowadays
Xuất bản 2021“…To solve the problem, the author fist introduces the definition of spiritual tourism as the basis for viewpoints. from there , the essay analyzes spiritual heritage for tourism…”
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Copyright issues in digital libraries
Xuất bản 2020“…Lastly, on the basis of the findings, the author proposes some suggestions for efffective enforcement of copyright in Vietnam's digital libraries…”
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Digital technology - great assistant to renovate higher education
Xuất bản 2020“…General reasons for injury rale, its timely prevention and treatment are considered in this article. The authors makes three main factors to avoid injuries in choreagraphy process, also they focus attention on conrrect diagnostics of damages of damages and diseases of dancers on condition of knowledge of dancing activity's specifics…”
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Improving the exploitation of ancient documents in some libraries in Hanoi
Xuất bản 2020“…Lastly, on the basis of the findings, the author proposes solutions to improve the quality of exploitation of ancient documents in the current period…”
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Nghiên cứu xung đột trong kịch Lưu Quang Vũ
Xuất bản 2023“…To contribute to improving the effectiveness of Luu Quang Vu's drama teaching, the author analyzes conflicts in Lui Quang Vu's plays.…”
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Ứng dụng mô hình "Lớp học đảo ngược" trong giảng dạy trực tuyến môn học Biên đạo múa cho sinh viên khối nghệ thuật
Xuất bản 2023“…The flipped classroom is a form of relatively common use in recent years, which is also used a lot in the online learning processThe article's authors experimented the flipped classroom model with second-year students at Hanoi University of Culture in Choreography courseThe study was conducted within 7 weeks under the "flipped classroom" model and brought positive results including students' high academic results, high satisfaction level and clearly demonstrated personal capacity.…”
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MICE - Prospect direction of Vietnam tourism
Xuất bản 2020“…In this article, the author will focus on analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of MICE tourism in Vietnam and offer some solutions to this potential market development.…”
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Competition, Contracts, and Creativity: Evidence from Novel Writing in a Platform Market
Xuất bản 2023“…Exploiting an anti-pornography regulation that induced a massive entry of romance novels but not others, we find that intensified competition on average led authors to produce content faster while the effect on book novelty was weak. …”
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Factors Affecting Arts Marketing of Theaters in Hanoi, Vietnam
Xuất bản 2023“…The objective of this study is to evaluate the influence of external environmental factors on arts marketing of theaters in Hanoi, Vietnam. The author inherits the above research points and conducts a practical survey for 50 managers and 150 artists of 12 theaters in Hanoi capital, VietnamThe important contribution of the study is shown by the author through the results of testing the scales, analyzing the correlation between the scales and testing the research hypothesis, which is: economic, political, legal factors (EPL) and Cultural, social and technological factors (CST) all have an impact on arts marketing (AM) of theaters in Hanoi, Vietnam. …”
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Methods of Teaching Creative Writing in High School: A Review of Recent Literature.
Xuất bản 2023“…Burniske ("Creating Dialogue: Teacher Response to Journal Writing"); Section 5 reviews an article by Joseph Sanacore ("Supporting a Visiting Author's Program"). (Contains 25 references.)…”
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Nghiên cứu những đóng góp của kịch Lưu Quang Vũ đối với nền kịch nói Việt Nam
Xuất bản 2023“…In order to contribute to improving the teaching effectiveness of Lun Quang Vu's dramatic works, the author studies the contributions of Luu Quang Vu's plays to Vietnamese Theater in particular and to social life in general.…”
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"Bàn về hợp tác xã" hay sự phát triển và vận dụng sáng tạo logic biện chứng của Lenin
Xuất bản 2023“…In this article, the authors clarify those theoretical and practical contributions of Lenin, thereby contributing to the further development of dialectical logic in general and the conceiving of socialism in particular.…”
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A caring science study about the understanding of life and creative writing
Xuất bản 2023“…The unsolicited narratives of three authors were analysed in a study. The included texts were published autobiographical works and creative writing guides. …”
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Impacts of climate change-measures and policies to promote community to respond to climate change in tourist destinations
Xuất bản 2023“…Through the article, the authors would like to suggest some measures to raise awareness of the community and propose some suggestions to encourage people in the community, especially those who are living in the tourist destinations, to participate in the response to climate change.…”
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Training tourism human resources during the Covid-19 pandemic: Opportunities and challenges for colleges and universities in Vietnam
Xuất bản 2023“…Within this article, the author desire to clarify the reality of training human resources in tourism, challenges and opportunities of tourism human resource training in the current period and in the future time, thereby contributing to the promotion of tourism industry to develop more and more sustainably.…”
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So sánh giáo dục nghệ thuật cho trẻ mầm non ở 3 quốc gia: australia, Trung Quốc, Việt Nam
Xuất bản 2023“…This study collects data from the authors who have analyzed the literature on the topic of art education for children in the following aspects: content of art education for preschool children; preschool class size; art education methods and the role of art education; thereby presenting an overview of art education in all three countries. …”
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